ちょい足し野菜 トマト編|SEIYU
そこで、レトルト食品にちょっと野菜をプラスすると新感覚のおいしさに生まれ変わる “ちょい足し野菜” 。トマトをテーマに、様々なレシピを開発した。日頃忙しい人でも簡単に料理することができるように、レシピは10分以内にできる手間抜きなものばかり。全国のSEIYU店舗でトマトを形どったレシピカードを展開した。
We have launched a project to recommend people to consciously add vegetables to standard instant foods which lightens the burden of everyday cooking. It aims to eliminate vegetable deficiency in a tasty, fun way while still cutting corners.
Compared to summer tomatoes, “spring tomatoes” have the characteristic of concentrated sweetness. This time we have selected “curry,” “pasta,” and “soup,” all loved by Japanese people and developed a total of 6 recipes together with popular chefs on social network. All are “simple, easy and super yummy” recipes that can be prepared in less than 10 minutes by cutting corners. Add some veggies recipe cards are placed at the vegetable counters at all SEIYU stores nationwide. Recipe videos and cooking instructions are available for view on the website for reference to prepare all recipes easily at home.