*View of VR image on smartphones requires a free YouTube app.
Targeting view by people in 15 European countries, a 360°VR movie image based on the concept of “where tradition meets innovation,” was created for Japan National Tourism Organization as part of their VISIT JAPAN campaign. Selecting locations where elements of tradition and innovation are felt to coexist, unique culture and experience not found in other countries have been put on focus. Normally when conducting an actual shooting of 360°VR images, angles tend to be fixed in order to avoid shooting equipment and cameraman in the video. However, in this film, by utilizing a special equipment and shooting technique, camera work that stretches freely, far and wide, was realized. Immediately after the release of the movie, it became a buzz centering YouTube and Facebook and accumulated over 1.3 million views which is by far rare for a VR movie image.
欧州15カ国を対象に、日本政府観光局のVISIT JAPANキャンペーンとして「伝統と革新が出会う場所」というコンセプトに基づき360°VR動画を制作。日本文化の伝統と革新それぞれの要素が感じられるスポットを選び、他の国にはない独自性のある文化や体験にフォーカス。通常、実写の360°VR映像ではカメラマンや機材が写り込んでしまうことから固定されたアングルになりがちだが、本作では特殊な撮影機材や技法を駆使したことによって縦横無尽なカメラワークを実現している。公開直後からYouTubeとFacebookを中心に話題となり、累計の再生回数はVR動画としては異例の1300万回を超えている。
Good Design Award