This is a film covering the process to and the actual swim meet of seven selected people with different backgrounds challenging and pushing to surpass their former best. The participants were, Hoshi Natsumi, a Bronze medalist swimmer at the Olympic Games Rio 2016 who retired after the Olympics, an elementary school girl about to give up swimming feeling discouraged for not being able to improve her record, a 70 years old man still in challenge to stretch his record and handicap carriers trying to enter their new heights. In order to beat their respective best time, training was conducted for a month prior to the meet. For this occasion, a special rule was designed and applied. The participant with the slowest record starts first and others follow in ascending order. If everyone achieves their personal best they will all touch the goal at the same moment.
「自分を超えること」を目標に、リオオリンピックで銅メダルを獲得し引退した星奈津美選手や、記録が伸びずに挫折しそうになっている小学生、70歳を超えてなお記録を伸ばすことに挑むシニア、障がいを抱えながらも自分の新しい可能性を広げたい若者など、バックグラウンドの異なる7名がそれぞれの自己ベストを超えることに挑戦する。 本番当日は、タイムの遅い順番にスタートを切り、全員が自己ベストを記録すれば同時にゴールする特別ルールを採用。1ヶ月前の自分を乗り越え、最も記録を伸ばした人が一番最初にゴールすることになる。スポーツは勝ち負けだけではなく、自分を乗り越えることの大切さを描いた。アジア最大級の広告賞ADFESTでBRANDED CONTENT、世界三大広告賞CLIO AWARDでFINALIST、日本のグッドデザイン賞を受賞。
Good Design Award
Adfest Branded Content
Adfest Film Craft – Shortlist
Ad Stars Film Craft – Bronze
Spikes Asia Film - Shortlist
Clio Awards Sports Film - Finalist
New York Festivals Sports Film - Finalist
New York Festivals Branded Entertainment - Finalist