RADWIMPS × Adobe Photoshop
"大団円 feat. ZORN" リリックアートプロジェクト
RADWIMPSとAdobe Photoshopがコラボレーションし、Jリーグ30周年ソングにもなってる新曲「大団円 feat.ZORN」のリリック(歌詞)でファンがPhotoshopを使ってアート作品を作り、その作品を繋ぎあわせてリリックビデオを生み出すプロジェクト。
リリックビデオでは、無数のアート作品が展示された空間の中で、3Dマッピングによってある角度になるとビジュアルが現れる仕掛け。Adobeのブランドコンセプトにもなっている「Creativity for All」を体現した。アーティスト、音楽ファン、クリエイターが一体となって一つの作品を作り上げた。
This is a lyric video created jointly by artists, music fans and creators. RADWIMPS and Adobe Photoshop collaborated in a project to release a lyric video using RADWIMPS’s new song “DAI-DAN-EN FEAT. ZORN” which is also the 30th anniversary song of J-League. Using the lyrics of this song, fans created their original art piece using Photoshop and all the art pieces were then connected together to create this lyric video.
In order for the fans even with no experience in design to participate, tutorial videos and art examples were provided free of charge, including over 60 background image materials and explanations providing tips on creating lyric video using Photoshop. In the lyric video, a 3D mapping device is set to direct visuals to appear at certain angles in a space where countless artworks are displayed. Adobe’s brand concept of “Creativity for All” is fully embodied in this art work created by artists, music fans and creators together.
Spikes Asia Music - Product Integration into Music Content - Finalist
Spikes Asia Music - Fan Engagement / Community Building - Finalist