It’s a pop up store where the Drone delivers the sneakers to the customers as store clerk. The world’s first Flying Shoe Store was set up where an automatically controlled drone grasps the sneakers from a huge display stand and delivers them to the guests according to their requests. Trial and purchase at the site were also available. A drone with an electromagnet type arm that picks up the sneakers, automatic control program and order system of the drone using iPad were all originally developed from scratch.
The opening day of “Flying Shoe Store”, 150 media gathered at the site and all major TV stations in Japan aired the event (17 programs.) Over 500 articles were published on newspapers, magazines and the WEB site. The campaign had an earned media value over $13 million and there were 125 million PR impressions all with no media cost.
Clio Fashion & Beauty PR – Shortlist
Clio Fashion & Beauty Engagement – Shortlist
Code Award – Finalist
Yahoo! JAPAN Internet Creative Award – Finalist