料理をする人・しない人との間に横たわる “食卓にまつわる誤解”を解くために、「料理を手間抜きへ。」プロジェクトを発足。普段料理をしない男性に実際に家族のために、レシピの考案、買い物、料理、片付けまでを2日間体験させることで、本当の料理の手間を可視化し、どんな料理であっても手抜きなどない、というメッセージを実証する動画を公開。スーパーが提供する惣菜は、料理のちょっとした手間と時間を軽くする価値があることを社会に発信した。
Cooking laziness has become a hot topic during the pandemic since people are spending more time at home. 52.0% of people who don't usually cook think meals should be cooked at home, and many think purchasing store-prepared dishes is lazy. On the other hand, 66.1% of people who cook for their families every day want to escape from cooking, and 64.4% feel their families lack gratitude.
To help resolve this misunderstanding between people who do and don’t cook, we launched the "Making Cooking a Snap" project and released a video of husbands in homes where wives usually cook handling every aspect of making dinner – including planning, shopping, cooking and cleaning up – for two days in a row. The video clearly conveys that every aspect of cooking any dish is a challenge that involves no laziness. It also clearly illustrates the value of supermarket-prepared side dishes that lighten the cooking load.