Our video, Unfinished Games, looks at the life of a female athlete devoted to winning an Olympic gold medal. Kumi Nakada is currently the coach of the Japan women's national volleyball team. She became a member of the 1980 Japanese Olympic team at the age of 15 and participated at the next three Olympic Games in Los Angeles, Seoul and Barcelona. While her career has been brilliant, various setbacks prevented her from fulfilling her dream of winning an Olympic gold medal.
In the video, she talks about the four games that transformed her life while walking through a museum-like space displaying large images from those games that evoke memories and strong emotions. Still devoted to volleyball, this indomitable female athlete continues her quest on the road to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
「UNFINISHED GAMES」それは、オリンピックで金メダルを取ることに人生を捧げたひとりの女性アスリートの人生を振り返る物語。現役の日本代表女子バレーボール監督中田久美、彼女は1980年に若干15歳で日本代表に選ばれてから、ロサンゼルス、ソウル、バルセロナと3大会連続でオリンピックに出場し、今では日本代表を率いる華々しい経歴を持つ。しかし、彼女のアスリートとしての人生は苦難と挫折の連続で、オリンピックの舞台で金メダルを取るという夢は果たせていない。